EANCOM® 2002 S3 Part II
PARTIN Party information message
6. Examples

The following is an example of a Party Information message reference number PI4356 sent 1 February 2002, from a party identified by GLN 5412345000013 to a party identified by GLN 5412345000020.

The sender provides information about :

the GLN of the corporate office 4012345500004
the start date of the GLN is March, 10, 2002
the contact name is  MR SMITH
the contact's telephone is  00322256631
the function of the corporate office is corporate identity
the GLN of the invoice recipient is   5412345672908
the account number is  994-3277885
the function of the invoice recipient is  payer
the GLN of the store is 5410013111009
the function of the store is ordered by
the GLN of the delivery party is 3312345501003
the function of the delivery party is receiver of goods
the delivery scheduling information  each Tuesday morning
in the supplier orders process the parties involved in this process are responsible for ordering and paying

Party Information message:

UNH+ME000001+PARTIN:D:01B:UN:EAN009’ Message header
BGM+10+PI4356+9' Party information number PI4356
DTM+137:20020201:102' Message date 1st of February 2002
FTX+GEN+1+001::91' Coded text information
NAD+FR+5412345000013::9' Message from party identified by GLN 5412345000013
NAD+MR+5412345000020::9' Message recipient identified by GLN 5412345000020
UNS+D' Message header/detail separator
NAD+CO+4012345500004::9++EAN+RUE ROYALE 145+BRUXELLES++B-1000+BE' Corporate office idenitified by GLN 4012345500004, and structured name and address
DTM+194:20020310:102' The start date of the GLN is March 10, 2002
IDE+X48' The function(s) of the party identified in the NAD segment is Corporate identity.
CTA+SA+:MR SMITH' The contact name is MR SMITH
COM+ 00322256631:TE' The phone number is 00322256631.
NAD+ITO+5412345678908::9' Invoice recipient party identified by GLN 5412345678908
FII+PB+994-3277885:CORNER SHOP+KREDBEBB:25:5’ Account number 994-3277885, held by Corner Shop, with Kredietbank in Belgium
IDE+IV' The function of the party identified in the NAD segment is invoicee
HYN+PA+1+4012345500004:GLN::9' The GLN 4012345500004 takes the parent function of the party identified by the GLN 5412345678908 in the NAD segment.
NAD+SN+5410013111009::9' Store number identified by GLN 5410013111009
IDE+OB' The function of the party identified in the NAD segment is issuer of the orders
HYN+PA+1+4012345500004:GLN::9' The GLN 4012345500004 takes the parent function of the party identified by the GLN 5410013111009 in the NAD segment.
NAD+DP+3312345501003::9' Delivery party identified by GLN 3312345501003
IDE+ST' The function of the party identified in the NAD segment is to be the place where goods are shipped to
HYN+PA+1+4012345500004:GLN::9' The GLN 4012345500004 takes the parent function of the party identified by the GLN 3312345501003 in the NAD segment.
SCC+1++W:14:D' Deliveries are scheduled for am on each Tuesday
PRC+8+++SUPPLIER ORDERS PROCESS' The process described is the supplier order
LIN+1' Line number 1
NAD+OB+4012345500004::9' GLN 4012345500004 has the role of ordering party in the process.
DOC+315+CT125’ Contract number is CT125
LIN+2’ Line number 2
NAD+PR+5412345678908 : :9’ GLN 5412345678908 has the role of paying party in the process.
DOC+315+C459’ Contract number is C459
UNT+32+ME000001' Total number of segments in the message equals 32

The EDI interchange will include the UNB..UNZ segments and, if applicable, the UNG..UNE segments. (See part 1 section 5.7).

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