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6. Examples |
Example 1
The following is an example of a commercial account summary message between a supplier identified by GLN 5411111123451 and a buyer identified by GLN 5412345123453. The message sent on the 1st of July 2002 covers the invoicing period of the 1st to the 30th of June 2002 and has the message number CA5422. The payment currency of the message is defined as being the Euro (EUR).
The message details three transactions, an outstanding invoice and two payments.
The invoice 56241 dated the 14th of May 2002 with the value of 5300 EUR is indicated as being outstanding.
The payments are identified by the remittance advice numbers 3412 and 3480 and are dated the 12th and 25th of June 2002 respectively. Remittance advice 3480 details a payment of 12800 for the full amount invoiced.
The amount remitted for remittance advice number 3412 was 65000 EUR. An adjustment of 7000 EUR was made due to an invoice error and the delivery note number 391 is quoted as supporting information for the actual delivery.
The summary section of the message details the remitted amounts and the outstanding amount by tax rate. 29800 EUR was remitted at 10% VAT, 6000 EUR at 12% VAT, and 42000 EUR at 21% VAT. The outstanding amount of 5300 EUR for the invoice 56241 is detailed as being all at the VAT rate of 21%.
UNH+ ME000001+COACSU:D:01B:UN:EAN004 | Message header |
BGM+49E::9+CA5422+9 | Commercial account summary number CA5422 |
DTM+137:20020701:102' | Message date 1st July 2002 |
DTM+263:2002060120020630:718' | Message relates to invoicing period 1st to 30th June 2002 |
NAD+BY+5412345123453::9' | Buyer identified by GLN 5412345123453 |
NAD+SU+5411111123451::9' | Supplier identified by GLN 5411111123451 |
CUX+2:EUR:11' | Payment currency is the Euro (EUR) |
DOC+380+56241' | First document is commercial invoice number 56241 |
DTM+137:20020514:102' | Document date is the 14th of May 2002 |
MOA+9:5300' | Amount due/payable equals 5300 EUR |
DOC+481+3412' | Second document is remittance advice number 3412 |
DTM+137:20020612:102' | Document date is 12th of June 2002 |
MOA+12:65000' | Amount remitted equals 65000 EUR |
MOA+39:72000' | Invoice total amount equals 72000 EUR |
AJT+9' | Reason for adjustment is invoice error |
MOA+5:-7000' | Adjusted negative amount equals -7000 EUR |
RFF+DQ:391' | Reference to delivery note number 391 provided to support reason for adjustment |
DOC+481+3480' | Third document is remittance advice number 3480 |
DTM+137:20020625:102' | Document date is 25th of June 2002 |
MOA+12:12800' | Amount remitted equals 12800 EUR |
MOA+39:12800' | Invoice total amount equals 12800 EUR |
UNS+S' | Message detail/summary section separator |
MOA+12:29800' | Amount remitted equals 29800 EUR |
TAX+7+VAT+++:::10+S' | Which is subject to vat rate of 10% |
MOA+12:6000' | Amount remitted equals 6000 EUR |
TAX+7+VAT+++:::12+S' | Which is subject to vat rate of 12% |
MOA+12:42000' | Amount remitted equals 42000 EUR |
TAX+7+VAT+++:::21+S' | Which is subject to vat rate of 21% |
MOA+263:5300' | Outstanding amount equals 5300 EUR |
TAX+7+VAT+++:::12+S' | Which is subject to vat rate of 12% |
UNT+31+ME000001' | Total number of segments in the message equals 31 |
Example 2
The following is an example of a commercial account summary message response between a buyer identified by the GLN 5412345123453 and a supplier identified by the EAN location number 5411111123451. The message is sent on the 2nd of July 2002 and has the message number CASR1234. This document is a response to the commercial account summary 12345, received the 1st July 2002. The payment currency of the message is defined as being the Euro (EUR).
The message details two invoices:
The invoice 56241 dated the 14th of June 2002 with the value of 5300 EUR.
The invoice 56243 dated the 15th of June 2002 with the value of 6500 EUR. An adjustment of 700 EUR was made due to an invoice error.
UNH+ME000001+COACSU:D:01B:UN:EAN004 | Message header |
BGM+397+CASR1234+9' | Commercial account summary number CASR1234 |
DTM+137:20020702:102' | Message date 2nd July 2002 |
RFF+APQ:12345' | Reference to a previous COACSU |
NAD+BY+5412345123453::9' | Buyer identified by GLN 5412345123453 |
NAD+SU+5411111123451::9' | Supplier identified by GLN 5411111123451 |
CUX+2:EUR:11' | Payment currency is the Euro (EUR) |
DOC+380+56241' | First document is commercial invoice number 56241 |
DTM+137:20020614:102' | Document date is the 14th of June 2002 |
MOA+9:5300' | Amount due/payable equals 5300 EUR |
DOC+380+56243' | Second document is commercial invoice number 56243 |
DTM+137:20020615:102' | Document date is the 15th of June 2002 |
MOA+9:6500' | Amount due/payable equals 6500 EUR |
AJT+9' | Reason for adjustment is invoice error |
MOA+5:-700' | Adjusted negative amount equals 700 EUR |
UNS+S' | Message detail/summary section separator |
MOA+9:11800' | Total Amount due/payable equals 11800 EUR |
UNT+18+ME000001' | Total number of segments in the message equals 18 |
The EDI interchange will include the UNB..UNZ segments and, if applicable, the UNG..UNE
segments. (See
part 1 section 5.7).