EANCOM® 2002 S4 Part II
TAXCON Tax control message
6. Examples

The following is an example of a simple Tax Control message between a seller identified by GLN 5412345000013 (VAT ref: 1985334) and a buyer identified by GLN 4012345500004 (VAT ref: VR123555).

The message has reference number 536 and it was generated on the 10th of January 2002.

The message relates to message batch number 237 dated on the 10th of January 2002. The tax control summarises 15 commercial invoices with a total value of the invoices of 65231 Euros.

The rate of taxes applicable to the total amount are as follows:

10% to 22600
12.5% to 28350
21% to 14281


UNH+ME000001+TAXCON:D:01B:EN:EAN004' Message header
BGM+938+536+9' Tax control number 536
DTM+137:20020110:102' Message date is 10th of January 2002
NAD+SU+5412345000013::9' Supplier is identified by GLN 5412345000013
RFF+VA:1985334' Supplier’s VAT number is 1985334
NAD+BY+4012345500004::9' Buyer is identified by GLN 4012345500004
RFF+VA:VR123555' Buyer’s VAT number is VR123555
UNS+D' Message header/detail separation
RFF+ALL:237' Tax control relates to message batch number 237
DTM+171:20020110:102' Date of batch is 10th of January 2002
DOC+380' Batch relates to commercial invoices
MOA+39:65231:EUR' Invoice value of batch is 65231 EUR
CNT+31:15' Total value relates to 15 invoices
TAX+7+VAT+++:::10+S' First rate of VAT is 10%
MOA+125:22600:EUR' 22600 EUR is subject to 10% VAT
TAX+7+VAT+++:::12.5+S' Second rate of VAT is 12.5%
MOA+125:28350:EUR' 28350 EUR is subject to 12.5% VAT
TAX+7+VAT+++:::21+S' Third rate of VAT is 21%
MOA+125:14281:EUR' 14281 EUR is subject to 21% VAT
UNT+20+ME000001' Total number of segments in the message equals 20

The EDI interchange will include the UNB..UNZ segments and, if applicable, the UNG..UNE segments. (See part 1 section 5.7).

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