EANCOM® 2002 S4 Part II
SLSRPT Sales data report message
6. Examples

The following is an example of a Sales Data Report between a seller identified by GLN 5456789000017 and a supplier identified by GLN 3323456007896. In the following example the seller is reporting the weekly sales for the period 1st October 2002 to 31st October 2002 for one of the sellers products in three different locations (sales outlets). The week being reported on in the three locations is the 4th October 2002 to the 10th October 2002.

The Sales Data Report was generated on the 5th November 2002 and has a reference number of SDR1568. The sellers three sales outlets are identified by the location numbers, 5456789000024, 5456789000031, and 5456789000048.

The suppliers product is identified with GTIN 5412345000105. For each of the sales outlets identified in LOC, the seller provides the identification of the item sold, the quantity sold, the selling price, and, the total value of the sales.

UNH+ME000001+SLSRPT:D:01B:UN:EAN007' Message header
BGM+73E::9+SDR1568+9' Sales report number SDR1568
DTM+137:20021105:102' Message date 5th of November 2002
DTM+356:2002100120021031:718' Sales period from 1st to 31st of October 2002
NAD+SE+5456789000017::9' Seller identified by GTIN 5456789000017
NAD+SU+3323456007896::9' Supplier identified by GLN 3323456007896
CUX+2:EUR:10' Pricing currency for the report is Euros (EUR)
LOC+162+5456789000024::9' First place of sale is identified using GLN 5456789000024
DTM+356:2002100420021010:718' Sales period for this location is from the 4th to the 10th of October 2002
LIN+1++5412345000105:SRV' First product for which sales data is being reported is identified by GTIN 5412345000105
MOA+203:210000' The value of the reported sales is 210000 EUR
PRI+AAA:1500:CA:RTP' The net calculation retail price for the item is 1500 EUR
QTY+153:140' The quantity sold is 140 units
LOC+162+5456789000031::9' Second place of sale is identified using GLN 5456789000031
DTM+356:2002100420021010:718' Sales period for this location is from the 4th to the 10th of October 2002
LIN+2++5412345000105:SRV' Second product for which sales data is being reported is identified by GTIN 5412345000105
MOA+203:63000' The value of the reported sales is 63000 EUR
PRI+AAA:1500:CA:RTP' The net calculation retail price for the item is 1500 EUR
QTY+153:42' The quantity sold is 42 units
LOC+162+5456789000048::9' Third place of sale is identified using GLN 5456789000048
DTM+356:2002100420021010:718' Sales period for this location is from the 4th to the 10th of October 2002
LIN+3++5412345000105:SRV' Third product for which sales data is being reported is identified by GTIN 5412345000105
MOA+203:172500' The value of the reported sales is 172500 EUR
PRI+AAA:1500:CA:RTP’ The net calculation retail price for the item is 1500 EUR
QTY+153:115' The quantity sold is 115 units
UNS+S' To separate the detail section from the summary section
UNT+27+ME000001' Total number of segments in the message equals 27

The EDI interchange will include the UNB..UNZ segments and, if applicable, the UNG..UNE segments. (See part 1 section 5.7).

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