EANCOM® 2002 S4 Part II
REMADV Remittance advice message
6. Examples

The following is an example of a basic Remittance Advice Message sent from a payer (buyer) to a payee (supplier) identified by the following GLNs:

5456789000017 - Payer (buyer)

3323456007896 - Payee (supplier)

The payee's account number and financial institution are identified by the account number: 2100066767883.

The Remittance Advice RA78305 sent January 8, 2002 at 12:45, and refers to a payment to be made on three outstanding invoices:

IN10039 of December 15, 2001 for 10,050 EUR

IN10048 of December 18, 2001 for 13,820 EUR

IN10049 of December 21, 2001 for 32,000 EUR

The invoicing currency is Euros and the payment currency is Pounds Sterling. A global default rate of exchange of 0.6 GBP to one EUR is provided. The rate of exchange for IN10039 is 0.61 GBP to a EUR. The payment date is identified as January 10, 2001.

For invoices IN10039 and IN10048 the amounts remitted equal the amounts due.

For invoice IN10049 the remitted amount of 13,800 GBP (23,000 EUR) instead of the invoiced amount of 32,000 EUR (19,200 GBP) is due to a short delivery. Two line items, line items 3 and 5 of the Purchase Order with buyer reference number PO1139, were not delivered. The adjusted amount is of 5,400 GBP (9,000 EUR). The two products not delivered are identified by the GTINs:

3323456000132 for a total value of 3,000 GBP (5,000 EUR)

3323456000286 for a total value of 2,400 GBP (4,000 EUR)

The total amount to be remitted is 28222.50 GBP (equivalent to 46,870 EUR calculated with the different exchange rates).

UNH+ME000001+REMADV:D:01B:UN:EAN005' Message header
BGM+481+RA78305+9' Remittance advice number RA78305
DTM+137:200201081245:203' Message date and time, 12:45pm on the 8th of January 2002
DTM+138:20020110:102' Payment date 10th of January 2002
FII+RB+2100066767883:N GYE+KREDBEBB:25:5’ Account number 2100066767883, held by N. Gye,with Kredietbank in Belgium will receive the funds
NAD+PR+5456789000017::9' Payer is identified by GLN 5456789000017
NAD+PE+3323456007896::9' Payee is identified by GLN 3323456007896
CUX+2:GBP:11+3:EUR:4+0.6' Payment currency is Pounds Sterling (GBP) while the invoicing currency was Euros, with an exchange rate of 0.6 GBP to 1 EUR
DOC+380+IN10039' Document to which payment relates is commercial invoice number IN10039
MOA+9:10050:EUR' Amount due/payable for invoice equals 10050 EUR
MOA+12:6130.5' Amount remitted equals 6130.50 GBP
DTM+137:20011215:102' The date of the invoice is the 15th of December 2001
CUX+2:GBP:11+3:EUR:4+0.61' Payment currency for this invoice is Pounds Sterling (GBP) while the invoicing currency was Euros,with an exchange rate of 0.61 GBP to 1 EUR
DOC+380+IN10048' Second document to which payment relates is commercial invoice number IN10048
MOA+9:13820:EUR' Amount due/payable for invoice equals 13820 EUR
MOA+12:8292' Amount remitted equals 8292 GBP
DTM+137:20011218:102' The date of the invoice is the 12th of December 2001
DOC+380+IN10049' Third document to which payment relates is commercial invoice number IN10049
MOA+9:32000:EUR' Amount due/payable for invoice equals 32000EUR
MOA+12:13800' Amount remitted equals 13800 GBP
DTM+137:20011221:102' The date of the invoice is the 21st of December 2001
AJT+4' First adjustment made because of a short delivery
MOA+5:5400' Adjusted amount equals 5400 GBP
DLI+2+3' Adjusted line identified as number 2
MOA+9:5000:EUR' Amount due/payable for this line equals 5000 EUR
MOA+12:0' Amount remitted equals zero
PIA+5+3323456000132:SRV' Product on which adjustment has taken place .identified by GTIN 3323456000132
AJT+4' Second adjustment made because of a short delivery
MOA+5:3000' Adjusted amount equals 3000 GBP
RFF+ON:PO1139' Reference provided to order number PO1139
DLI+2+5' Adjusted line identified as number 5
MOA+9:4000:EUR' Amount due/payable for this line equals 4000 EUR
MOA+12:0' Amount remitted equals zero
PIA+5+3323456000286:SRV' Product on which adjustment has taken place identified by GTIN 3323456000286
AJT+4' Third adjustment made because of a short delivery
MOA+5:2400' Adjusted amount equals 2400 GBP
RFF+ON:PO1139' Reference provided to order number PO1139
UNS+S' Message detail/summary separator
MOA+12:28222.5' Total amount remitted 28222.50 GBP
UNT+40+ME000001' Total number of segments in the message equals 40

The EDI interchange will include the UNB..UNZ segments and, if applicable, the UNG..UNE segments. (See part 1 section 5.7).

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