EANCOM® 2002 S4 Edition 2016 Part II
REMADV Remittance advice message
4. Segments Description
Remittance Advice Heading Section
UNH - M 1 - Message header
This segment is used to head, identify and specify a message.
BGM - M 1 - Beginning of message
This segment is used to indicate the type and function of a message and to transmit its identifying number.
DTM - M 5 - Date/time/period
This segment is used to specify dates related to the complete remittance advice message.
RFF - C 5 - Reference
This segment is used to specify any references which relate to the complete remittance advice.
FII - C 5 - Financial institution information
This segment is used to identify financial institution information related to the parties involved in the Remittance Advice.
PAI - C 1 - Payment instructions
This segment is used by the sender of  the Remittance Advice to indicate how payment is being made.
SG1 - C 99 - NAD-SG3
A group of segments identifying the parties involved in the transaction and, optionally the contact points and numbers.
NAD - M 1 - Name and address
This segment is used to identify the parties exchanging the Remittance Advice message, and if necessary, any associated parties. The identification of the payer and payee, and buyer and seller if different from the payer and payee, are mandatory in the Remittance Advice message.
SG3 - C 5 - CTA-COM
A group of segments identifying the contact person or department for a trading party and specifying the communication channel and number.
CTA - M 1 - Contact information
This segment is used to identify contact names or departments within the party specified in the NAD segment.
COM - C 5 - Communication contact
This segment identifies the communications number, and type of communications, for the person and/or department identified in the preceding CTA segment.
SG4 - C 5 - CUX-DTM
A group of segments specifying the currencies and related dates/periods valid for the whole Remittance Advice.
CUX - M 1 - Currencies
This segment is used to indicate currency information related to the complete remittance advice. The CUX segment may be omitted for national exchanges. The CUX segment is mandatory for international exchanges.
DTM - C 1 - Date/time/period
This segment is used to indicate the date on which a rate of exchange was quoted.
Remittance  Advice Detail Section
SG5 - C 999999 - DOC-MOA-DTM-RFF-NAD-SG6-SG7-SG10
A group of segments providing details of all documents, e.g. invoices, statements, despatch advices, etc, to which the Remittance Advice refers. It includes information on the monetary amounts for each document and on any adjustments (with an indication of the reason for adjustments) and discounts. For information purposes an indication of the tax element can be provided.
DOC - M 1 - Document/message details
This segment is used to provide details of the documents, e.g., a group of invoices, to which the Remittance Advice refers. The detail section of the Remittance Advice is formed by a repeating groups of DOC segments.  Individual document line item information is provided in the DLI segment.
MOA - M 5 - Monetary amount
This segment is used to provide monetary amounts related to the document specified in the previous DOC segment.
DTM - C 5 - Date/time/period
This segment is used to indicate the date of the document identified in the DOC segment.
RFF - C 5 - Reference
This segment is used to provide references related to the document identified in the DOC segment.
NAD - C 2 - Name and address
This segment is used to identify the buyer or delivery party when different to the buyer, for the current document.
SG6 - C 5 - CUX-DTM
A group of segments specifying the currencies and the related dates/periods valid of the referenced document where different to the remittance currency.
CUX - M 1 - Currencies
This segment is used to provide currency rate of exchange information used to convert amounts specified in the MOA segment for the referenced document, to an amount expressed in terms of the remittance/payment currency. This CUX segment will only be used when the currency or its rate of exchange is different from the default global currency or its rate of exchange specified in the CUX segment at heading level.
DTM - C 1 - Date/time/period
This segment is used to specify the date on which the rate of exchange was quoted.
A group of segments to indicate adjustment amounts and their referenced documents.
AJT - M 1 - Adjustment details
This segment is used to indicate the reason for an adjustment to the current document.
MOA - C 1 - Monetary amount
This segment is used to indicate the value of the adjustment amount.
RFF - C 1 - Reference
This segment is used to specify any references associated to the adjustment amounts.
FTX - C 5 - Free text
This segment is used to provide free form or coded text information which applies to the complete remittance advice message.
QTY - C 9 - Quantity
This segment is used to specify quantitative data, such as cumulative or promotional quantity across a payment period.
SG8 - C 9 - TAX-MOA
A group of segments specifying tax related information for the allowance or charge.
TAX - M 1 - Duty/tax/fee details
This segment is used to signify whether the processing adjustments are subject to tax.
MOA - C 9 - Monetary amount
This segment is used to specify in monetary terms the amount of tax due on the current document.
SG10 - C 9999 - DLI-MOA-PIA-SG11-SG12
A group of segments which may be used when required to provide details of individual line items in the reference document.
DLI - M 1 - Document line identification
This segment is used to identify individual line items within the document identified in the DOC segment.
MOA - C 5 - Monetary amount
This segment is used to indicate monetary amounts related to the line item identified in the DLI segment.
PIA - C 5 - Additional product id
This segment is used to provide the product identification for the line item detailed in the DLI segment, for the current document.
SG11 - C 5 - CUX-DTM
A group of segments identifying the currency and the related dates/periods of the line item where different to the remittance and document currency.
CUX - M 1 - Currencies
This segment is used to provide currency rate of exchange information to convert monetary amounts in the MOA segment, following the DLI segment, to an amount expressed in terms of the remittance/payment currency. This CUX segment will only be used when the currency or its rate of exchange is different for the line item to that expressed as a default currency in the CUX segment at DOC level.
DTM - C 1 - Date/time/period
This segment is used to specify the date on which the rate of exchange was quoted.
SG12 - C 10 - AJT-MOA-RFF-SG13
A group of segments to indicate adjustment amounts and their referenced documents for this line item.
AJT - M 1 - Adjustment details
This segment is used to indicate the reason for an adjustment to the current line identified in the DLI segment.
MOA - C 1 - Monetary amount
This segment is used to indicate the value of the adjustment amount for the current line item.
RFF - C 1 - Reference
This segment is used to specify any relevant references associated to the adjustment amounts for the current line item.
SG13 - C 9 - TAX-MOA
A group of segments specifying tax related information for the allowance or charge.
TAX - M 1 - Duty/tax/fee details
This segment is used to signify whether the processing adjustments are subject to tax.
MOA - C 9 - Monetary amount
This segment is used to specify in monetary terms the amount of tax due on the current document.
Remittance  Advice Summary Section
UNS - M 1 - Section control
This segment is used to separate the detail and summary sections of the Remittance Advice message.
MOA - M 99 - Monetary amount
This segment is used to indicate the total amount being remitted in this remittance advice.
UNT - M 1 - Message trailer
This segment is a mandatory UN/EDIFACT segment. It must always be the last segment in the message.
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