EANCOM® 2002 S4 Part II
QUOTES Quote message
6. Examples

The following is an example of a simple Quotation message for one line item between a supplier identified with GLN 4012345000009 and a buyer identified with GLN 5412345000013. The supplier identifies the contact who will handle any possible order as being N Schulte.

The quotation is dated the 1st January 2002 with a reference number QT8709. Two other references related to the quotation are included for the complete quotation, a contract reference 439776 dated the 21st November 2001, and a price list reference NOV2001. The supplier indicates the terms of payment as being 30 days after date of invoice.

The product is identified by GTIN 4012345111118. The suppliers internal article number AB7456 is also detailed as an additional identification. The quoted price for the product is 14.58 Euros and there is a minimum order quantity of 50. The product originates from Hong Kong and is subject to the standard rate of tax 21%.

UNH+ME000001+QUOTES:D:01B:UN:EAN004' Message header
BGM+310+QT8709+9' Quotation number QT8709
DTM+137:20020101:102' Date of message 1st of January 2002
RFF+CT:439776' Quotation relates to contract number 439776
DTM+171:20011121:102' Contract date 21st November 2001
RFF+PL:NOV2001' Quotation relates to price list number NOV2001
CUX+2:EUR:12' Quotation currency is Euros (EUR)
PAT+1++5:3:D:30' Basic payment terms are 30 days after date of invoice
NAD+BY+5412345000013::9' Buyer is identified using GLN 5412345000010
RFF+VA:65541120' Vat number of the buyer is 65541120
NAD+SU+4012345000009::9' Supplier is identified using GLN 4012345000000
RFF+VA:83564151' Vat number of the supplier is 83564151
CTA+OC+:N SCHULTE' Contact person in supplier is N. Schulte
LIN+1++4012345111118:SRV' Quotation product identified by GTIN 4012345111118
PIA+1+AB7456:SA' Suppliers article number AB7456 provided as additional identification
QTY+53:50' Minimum order quantity is 50 units
ALI+HK' Country of origin is Hong Kong
PRI+AAB:14.58::DPR' A discount calculation gross price of 14.58 EUR is quoted
TAX+7+VAT+++:::21+S' Product is subject to Vat at a rate of 21%
UNS+S' Message detail/summary separation
CNT+2:1' Control number of LIN segments in the message
UNT+22+ME000001' Total number of segments in the message equals 22

The EDI interchange will include the UNB..UNZ segments and, if applicable, the UNG..UNE segments. (See part 1 section 5.7).

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