EANCOM® 2002 S4 Edition 2016 Part II
OSTRPT Order status report message
4. Segments Description
Order Status Report Heading Section
UNH - M 1 - Message header
This segment is used to head, identify and specify a message.
BGM - M 1 - Beginning of message
This segment is used to indicate the type and function of a message and to transmit the identifying number.
DTM - M 5 - Date/time/period
This segment is used to specify the date of the order status report message.
RFF - C 1 - Reference
This segment is used to identify the order status enquiry message which is being responded to.
FTX - C 99 - Free text
This segment is used to provide free form or coded text information which applies to the complete order status report message.
SG1 - M 99 - NAD-LOC-SG2
A group of segments identifying the parties with associated information.
NAD - M 1 - Name and address
This segment is used to identify the parties involved in the order status report message. Identification of the buyer, or buyer's agent, and the supplier, or supplier's agent, is mandatory in the order status report message.  A logistic service provider may act as an agent of a buyer or a supplier.
LOC - C 999 - Place/location identification
This segment is used to identify locations related to the party specified in the NAD segment.
It is recommended that Global Location Numbers GLN - Format n13 - be used for the identification of all locations.
SG2 - C 5 - CTA-COM
A group of segments giving contact details of the specific person or department within the party identified in the NAD segment.
CTA - M 1 - Contact information
This segment is used to identify a contact department and/or person within the party specified in the NAD.
COM - C 5 - Communication contact
This segment is used to identify the communications number and the type of communications used for the department or person identified in the CTA segment.
Order Status Report Detail Section
SG3 - M 999 - DOC-DTM-SG4-SG6
A group of segments providing details of the individual order(s).
DOC - M 1 - Document/message details
This segment is used to identify the document(s) for which status information is being provided.
DTM - C 5 - Date/time/period
This segment is used to specify dates relating to the references given in the previous DOC segment.
SG4 - C 99 - STS-DTM-PCD-SG5
A group of segments providing status details related to the individual order.
STS - M 1 - Status
This segment is used to provide status information related to the currently referenced document.
DTM - C 5 - Date/time/period
This segment is used to specify dates relating to the current status.
PCD - C 1 - Percentage details
This segment is used to specify percentage complete figures related to the current order being reported upon.
SG5 - C 99 - NAD
This segment group is used to specify name and address related to the status of the current document.
NAD - M 1 - Name and address
This segment is used to identify any parties related to the current status being reported.
SG6 - C 999999 - LIN-PIA-IMD-SG7-SG8-SG16
A group of segments providing details of the individual order(s) lines being reported.
LIN - M 1 - Line item
This segment is used to identify a product on an order for which status information is being provided.
PIA - C 99 - Additional product id
This segment is used to specify additional or substitutional item identification codes such as a buyer's or supplier's item number.
IMD - C 99 - Item description
This segment is used to describe the current line item.
SG7 - C 999 - RFF-DTM
A group of segments giving references related to the order line(s) and, where relevant, their dates.
RFF - M 1 - Reference
This segment is used to provide any references related to the current line item.
DTM - C 1 - Date/time/period
This segment is used to specify dates relating to the references given in the previous RFF segment.
A group of segments providing status details and related information for a line item.
STS - M 1 - Status
This segment is used to provide status information related to the current line item.
DTM - C 5 - Date/time/period
This segment is used to specify dates relating to the current status.
PCD - C 1 - Percentage details
This segment is used to specify percentage complete figures related to the status of the current line item.
QTY - C 1 - Quantity
This segment is used to specify quantities related to the current status.
SG9 - C 99 - NAD
This segment group is used to specify name and address related to the status of the current line item.
NAD - M 1 - Name and address
This segment is used to identify any parties related to the status being provided.
SG16 - C 99 - SCC-SG17
A group of segments specifying the delivery schedules and related locations, quantities and dates/times.
SCC - M 1 - Scheduling conditions
This segment is used to indicate any delivery schedules for the current line item. As the SCC segment (SG16) is the trigger of the following segment group, its use is mandatory, if one of the following segments (SG17) shall be used.
SG17 - C 99 - LOC-DTM-QTY
A group of segments providing quantity details and related dates/times.
LOC - M 1 - Place/location identification
This segment is used to identify locations related to the quantity specified in the QTY segment. As the LOC segment is the trigger of this segment group, its use is mandatory, if one of the following segments shall be used.
DTM - C 5 - Date/time/period
This segment is used to specify any dates and or times related to the segment group.
QTY - C 1 - Quantity
This segment is used to specify quantities related to the current location.
Order Status Report Summary Section
UNT - M 1 - Message trailer
This segment is a mandatory UN/EDIFACT segment. It must always be the last segment in the message.
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