Function: |
To indicate that special conditions due to the origin, customs preference, fiscal or commercial factors are applicable. |
* |
Country of origin name code |
O |
Use ISO 3166 2 alpha code |
O |
O |
6 |
= |
Subject to bonus |
8 |
= |
Subject to discount |
X8 |
= |
Provisional (GS1 Temporary Code) |
When the code X8, Provisional is used in this position, it means that the response provided in DE 1225 of the BGM (e.g. accepted, accepted with amendment, etc) is provisional and which is subject to later confirmation. Confirmation is provided at a later stage by issuing a new ORDRSP which once again replies to the original Purchase Order, and also refers to the provisional Purchase Order Response. |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Segment Notes: |
This segment is used to specify any additional information related to the complete purchase order response message.
Example: ALI+++8' |