EANCOM® 2002 S4 Part II
MSCONS Metered services consumption report
6. Examples

Example 1 - Gas

The following is an example of a Metered Services Consumption Report message sent from a supplier identified by GLN 5098765111111 to a buyer identified by GLN 5471615111118. The message was generated on the 2nd of January 2002 and has the identity number 8552. Two premises to which the consumption applies to are identified by GLNs 5071615222229 and 5071615333338.

Premise 1

Three meters within premise 1 are identified by GLNs 5098765222220, 5098765333339 (was fitted with an anti tamper band on the 1st of December 2001) and 5098765444448. The date on which the meters were read in these premises is identified as being the 14th of December 2001.

A product identified by GTIN 5467890102019 was measured at the first two meters. The reading at the first meter in the premises indicated consumption of 39486058.01 cubic metres for the reading period, with the total consumption to date for the meter being 2339486058.65 cubic meters. The second meter indicated consumption of 15834905.96 cubic metres for the read period and a total to date of 4515834905.08 cubic metres.

The third meter measured, for the reading period, consumption of 233433.42 cubic metres for the product identified by GTIN 5467890102040. No cumulative reading is provided for this meter. The calorific value of the consumption is indicated as being 91431.782 gigajoules.

Premise 2

Two meters within premise 2 are identified by GLNs 5098765999993 and 5098765888884. The date on which both meters were read is specified as being the 18th of December 2001.

A product identified by the GTIN 5467890102019 was measured at both of the meters. The reading at the first meter in the premises indicated consumption of 566058.40 cubic metres for the reading period, with the total consumption to date for the meter being 39644158.80 cubic meters. The second meter indicated consumption of 58905.41 cubic metres for the read period and a total to date of 583905.48 cubic metres.

UNH+1+MSCONS:D:01B:UN:EAN004' Message header
BGM+99E::9+8552+9' Metered services consumption report number 8552
DTM+137:20020102:102' Message date 2nd January 2002
NAD+SU+5098765111111::9' Supplier identified by GLN 5098765111111
NAD+BY+5471615111118::9' Buyer identified by GLN 5471615111118
UNS+D' Separation between the header section and the detail section
NAD+DP+5071615222229::9' Delivery party identified by GLN 5071615222229
LOC+17E+5098765222220::9' Location of the meter using GLN 5098765222220
DTM+368:20011214:102' Latest meter reading day 14th December 2001
LIN+1++5467890102019:SRV' Line item number 1 identified with GTIN 5467890102019
QTY+46:39486058.01:MTQ' Delivered quantity 39486058.01 cubic metres
QTY+74:2339486058.65:MTQ' Latest cumulative quantity 2339486058.65 cubic metres
LOC+17E+5098765333339::9' Location of the meter using GLN 5098765333339
DTM+368:20011214:102' Latest meter reading day 14th December 2001
CCI+8++1::91’ Meter characteristic (using supplier code) ANTI TAMPER BANDED
DTM+18:20021201:102' Installation date 1st December 2001
LIN+2++5467890102019:SRV' Line item number 2 identified with GTIN 5467890102019
QTY+46:15834905.96:MTQ' Delivered quantity 15834905.96 cubic metres
QTY+74:4515834905.08:MTQ' Latest cumulative quantity 4515834905.08 cubic metres
LOC+17E+5098765444448::9' Location of the meter using GLN 5098765444448
DTM+368:20011214:102' Latest meter reading day 14th December 2001
LIN+3++5467890102040:SRV' Line item number 3 identified with GTIN 5467890102040
QTY+46:233433.42:MTQ' Delivered quantity 233433.42 cubic metres
CCI+11++14::91' Product characteristic (using supplier code) CALORIFIC VALUE'
MEA+SV++GJO:91431.782' Specification value 91431.782 gigajoule
NAD+DP+5071615333338::9' Delivery party identified by GLN 5071615333338
LOC+17E+5098765999993::9' Location of the meter using GLN 5098765999993
DTM+368:20011218:102' Latest meter reading day 18th December 2001
LIN+4++5467890102019:SRV' Line item number 4 identified with GTIN 5467890102019
QTY+46:566058.40:MTQ' Delivered quantity 566058.40 cubic metres
QTY+74:39644158.80:MTQ' Latest cumulative quantity 39644158.80 cubic metres
LOC+17E+5098765888884::9' Location of the meter using GLN 5098765888884
DTM+368:20011218:102' Latest meter reading day 18th December 2001
LIN+5++5467890102019:SRV' Line item number 5 identified with GTIN 5467890102019
QTY+46:58905.41:MTQ' Delivered quantity 58905.41 cubic metres
QTY+74:583905.48:MTQ' Latest cumulative quantity 583905.48 cubic metres
UNT+37+1' Total number of segments in the message equals 37

Example 2 - Telephone

The following is an example of a Metered Services Consumption Invoice Support message sent from a supplier identified by GLN 5411111123451 to a buyer identified by GLN 5412345123453. The message was generated on the 11th of January 2002 and has the identity number 95-00042.

The message provides consumption information to support an invoice sent on the 28th of December 2001 with the reference 10014. The premise to which the consumption applies to is identified by GLN 5412345111115.

Two meters (telephone numbers) are identified by GLNs 5411111123444 and 5411111123550. For the first meter local and long distance telephone services are reported and are identified by GTINs 5410738000152 and 5410738000169 respectively. The second meter reports, in addition to local and long distance calls, on international telephone calls identified by GTIN 5410738000183.

 Premise Meter Product Units Price Total
5412345111115 5411111123444 5410738000152 68 0.51 34.68
    5410738000169 21 1.08 22.68
  5411111123550 5410738000152 28 0.51 14.28
    5410738000169 8 1.08 8.64
    5410738000183 15 1.90 28.50


UNH+1+MSCONS:D:01B:UN:EAN004' Message header
BGM+94E::9+95-00042+9' Metered services consumption invoice support number 95-00042
DTM+137:20020111:102' Message date 11th January 2002
NAD+SU+5411111123451::9' Supplier identified by GLN 5411111123451
NAD+BY+5412345123453::9' Buyer identified by GLN 5412345123453
UNS+D' Separation between the header section and the detail section
NAD+DP+5412345111115::9' Delivery party identified by GLN 5412345111115
LOC+17E+5411111123444::9' Location of the meter using GLN 5411111123444
DTM+273:2001120140011231:718' Validity period from 1st December 2001 to 31st December 2001
RFF+IV:10014' Invoice number 10014
DTM+171:20011228:102' Date of the invoice referenced 28th December 2001
LIN+1++5410738000152:SRV' Line item number 1 identified with GTIN 5410738000152
PRI+INF:0.51:CT:NTP' Information of the net unit price 0.51
MOA+203:34.68' Line item amount 34.68
QTY+47:68' Invoiced quantity 68
LIN+2++5410738000169:SRV' Line item number 2 identified with GTIN 5410738000169
PRI+INF:1.08:CT:NTP' Information of the net unit price 1.08
MOA+203:22.68' Line item amount 22.68
QTY+47:21' Invoiced quantity 21
LOC+17E+5411111123550::9' Location of the meter using GLN 5411111123550
DTM+273:2001120140021231:718' Validity period from 19th December 2001 to 31st December 2001
LIN+3++5410738000152:SRV' Line item number 3 identified with GTIN 5410738000152
PRI+INF:0.51:CT:NTP' Information of the net unit price 0.51
MOA+203:14.28' Line item amount 14.28
QTY+47:28' Invoiced quantity 28
LIN+4++5410738000169:SRV' Line item number 4 identified with GTIN 5410738000169
PRI+INF:1.08:CT:NTP' Information of the net unit price 1.08
MOA+203:8.64' Line item amount 8.64
QTY+47:8' Invoiced quantity 8
LIN+5++5410738000183:SRV' Line item number 5 identified with GTIN 5410738000183
PRI+INF:1.90:CT:NTP' Information of the net unit price 1.90
MOA+203:28.50' Line item amount 28.50
QTY+47:15' Invoiced quantity 15
CNT+31E:1' Number of premises 1
CNT+36E:2' Number of meters 2
UNT+36+1' Total number of segments in the message 36

Example 3 - Charge Card for motoring

The following is an example of a Metered Services Consumption Invoice Support message sent from a supplier identified by GLN 5071615111110 to a buyer identified by GLN 5098765111111. The message was generated on the 4th of February 2002 and has the identity number 6078.

The message provides consumption information to support an invoice sent on the 4th of February 2002 with the reference AX-3255. The premise, a sales department within a firm, to which the consumption applies to is identified by GLN 5098765222220.

A charge card identified by the suppliers number CC-5523-4061 is identified as being the 'meter' being reported upon. The report is related to the consumption of two products, petroleum identified by GTIN 4000862141404 and motor oil identified by GTIN 5412345111184, at two different services stations, ESSO Ixelles and ESSO StGilles, at 10:15 on the 14th of January 2002 and at 16:45 on the 26th of January 2002 respectively.

 Charge Card Supplier Product Quantity Price Total
CC-5523-4061 ESSO Ixelles 4000862141404 40 Litres 25 per litre 1000
  ESSO StGilles 4000862141404 52 Litres 25 per litre 1300
    5412345111184 4 Litres 36 per litre 144 


UNH+1+MSCONS:D:01B:UN:EAN004' Message header
BGM+94E::9+6078+9' Metered services consumption report number 6078
DTM+137:20020204:102' Message date 4th February 2002
NAD+SU+5071615111110::9' Supplier identified by GTIN 5071615111110
NAD+BY+5098765111111::9' Buyer identified by GLN 5098765111111
UNS+D' Separation between the header section and the detail section
NAD+DP+5098765222220::9' Delivery party identified by GLN 5098765222220
LOC+17E+CC-5523-4061::91' Location of the meter using supplier internal code CC-5523-4061
DTM+263:2002010120020131:718' Invoicing period 1st January 2002 to 31st January 2002
RFF+IV:AX-3255' Invoice reference number AX-3255'
DTM+171:20020204:102' Date of the invoice referenced 4th February 2002
LIN+1++4000862141404:SRV' Line item number 1 identified with GTIN 4000862141404
PRI+INF:25:CT:NTP:1:LTR' Information price from contract 25 per Litre
NAD+SU+++ESSO IXELLES’ Supplier Address ESSO Ixelles'
MOA+203:1000' Line item amount 1.000
QTY+47:40' Invoiced quantity 40
DTM+6:200201141015:718' Sales date 14th January at 10.15
LIN+2++4000862141404:SRV' Line item number 2 identified with GTIN 4000862141404
PRI+INF:25:CT:NTP:1:LTR' Information price from contract 25 per Litre
NAD+SU+++ESSO ST GILLES' Supplier address ESSO St Gilles'
MOA+203:1300' Line item amount 1.300
QTY+47:52' Invoiced quantity 52
DTM+6:200201461645:718' Sales date 26th January at 16.45
LIN+3++5412345111184:SRV' Line item number 3 identified with GTIN 5412345111184
PRI+INF:36:CT:NTP:1:LTR' Information price from contract 36 per Litre
NAD+SU+++ESSO ST GILLES' Supplier address ESSO St Gilles'
MOA+203:144' Line item amount 144
QTY+47:4' Invoiced quantity 4
DTM+6:200201461645:718' Sales date 26th January at 16.45
CNT+31E:1' Number of premises 1
CNT+36E:1' Number of meters 1
UNT+32+1' Total number of segments in the message equals 32

The EDI interchange will include the UNB..UNZ segments and, if applicable, the UNG..UNE segments. (See part 1 section 5.7).

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